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EYES Performing Reiki on the eyes reduce stress levels, improves concentration and helps to cure headaches. It also increases your psychic vision and the ability to see Auras.

EARS Practicing Reiki on the ears helps to balance the two hemispheres of the brain, while also improving your ability to listen to inner guidance. LUNGS Reiki techniques on the lungs improve breathing patterns and help you to overcome fears of living life to the fullest. Many people take in shallow breaths when stressed or worried - Reiki will help you breathe in deeply. STOMACH Performing Reiki on the stomach can ease problems with digestion and stimulate the metabolism. Practicing on this part of the body also has the added benefit of providing emotional nourishment to improve your ability to take on new skills and ideas. LIVER The liver's cleaning ability can be stimulated by Reiki, which leads to increased energy levels and a healthier digestive system. SPLEEN Performing Reiki on the spleen improves the release of body toxins, while releasing hidden fears and thereby assisting relaxation. GALL BLADDER Practicing Reiki on the gall bladder helps to release feelings of bitterness and frustration. This in turn increases feeling of calm

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