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Below is the 7 Chakra's and how you can use Reiki energy to balance these energy centre's. We work closely with and through each of these chakra's at One Of By Design.

CROWN CHAKRA Practicing Reiki techniques on the crown Chakra allows the higher self to integrate with life and become more aware of beauty and art, enabling you to better appreciate the finer things in life. BROW CHAKRA Performing Reiki on the brow Chakra - the third eye - may assist in making decisions about the future, as stimulating it will increase intuitive powers and clairvoyant abilities. Performing Reiki on the third eye through the back of the head helps to soothe a busy mind and increases the ability to carryout ideas in a practical way. To stimulate add a drop of Frankincense Essential Oil. THROAT CHAKRA Improve your ability to communicate effectively with others through Reiki. Performing the techniques on the throat Chakra will stimulate energy in this area and increase ability to communicate emotionally as well as verbally. Practicing Reiki on this throat Chakra also helps to stimulate the metabolism. HEART CHAKRA Practicing Reiki over the heart opens up the heart to giving and receiving love, and so encourages to be more receptive to others. The release of energy through this area can also help to ease the pain of emotional upsets. SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA Reiki on the solar plexus (stomach) Chakra promotes the capacity to digest life and develop confidence. Techniques performed on this Chakra can also stimulate the nervous system and several other major organs - including the gall bladder, liver, stomach and pancreas.


Help improve quality of love, sensuality, joy, creativity, feminine power. Stimulating this Chakra increases ability to give and receive physical, mental and spiritual pleasure. It can also affect the reproductive system.


Reiki on the base (root) Chakra can stimulate the spinal column and kidneys, the adrenals glands, which in turn increases physical energy and strengthens your will for survival. It helps to feel safe and to move forward and create abundance without fear.

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